Thursday, May 23, 2013

Wrath of Khan 2.0

     For those of you who've talked to me in the past week, you probably know that I went to see the new Star Trek movie that came out Star Trek: Into Darkness. And for those who didn't talk to me, I'd like to tell you what I thought about the film; I didn't like it.

     I mean, it's not like I hated it! In fact, while I was watching it I felt that the movie was pretty okay. But that's the thing, it was just okay. And the more that I thought about it after the fact, the less "okay" it got. I LOVED the first revamp of the Star Trek universe, and having Sylar play another seemingly emotionless character was perfect!

     Then what's my whole issue with the whole thing? Well for one thing, it was just a revamp of the movie Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan taking place in the new alternate universe, which seems incredibly lazy. Granted the story isn't a retelling of the original, but they obviously take some major plot points from it. The biggest is where Kirk dies instead of Spock. They even have a cheesy conversation where they say that they just did what the other would of done.

     Another thing was just some of the really bad acting moments that happened during the movie. One that sticks out in my mind is where Alice Eve's character gets forcibly beamed off the Enterprise. She starts getting beamed off with some super advanced tech and her best idea to stop it is to run towards the lift flailing her arms? Come on.. In fact, her whole character seemed... unnecessary. I guess the fan service was nice, but other than that, she wasn't really needed.

     As far as "movie" things, that's really my biggest problems. You might be saying, "well that's not that bad, why are you crying so much?!" Well, maybe not, but the disappointment was still there. Like I said before, it kind of sets in and slowly gets worse over time. It's like these hot wings I like to get once in a while where the first few bites are okay, but then it hits you. And it doesn't stop there, it just keeps getting worse! Plus, milk doesn't help! That's MADNESS!!! So yeah, it's like that, but with disappointment.

     Perhaps I'm being too hard on the lens flare movie of the year. Looking back, I wasn't really in the best mood going into it due to the events leading up to it. Allow me to explain. If you've gone to a movie with me before, you know I can be pretty ocd about where I sit. I like to sit near the back, but not right at the back so I can get the surround sound experience. I also like to sit right in the middle, or if the middle is in the middle of two seats, in one of those seats. I've become quite proficient at locating those seats, and if it's a movie where you can book seats, well that makes everything so much easier! Unfortunately I was not the one booking the seats.

     I had to go do something, so I got my mother to get the tickets. Not only did she not get the seats right in the middle, but we also didn't catch the IMAX showing of the movie. When something is available in IMAX, I usually see it there just because I like the experience. I had already missed seeing Iron Man 3 in IMAX, I didn't want to miss this. Unfortunately it was sold out, so we went to the next best thing, Ultra AVX. Not bad, but not IMAX.

     Anyway, back to the seats. She ended up getting us seats in the very back and almost all the way to the left. I literally sat there before the movie started and part way through the previews looking straight ahead and thinking, "I can only naturally see half the screen. And I don't get the full surround sound experience!" I was pretty upset. When my mom saw the look on my face, I just said I was tired. Luckily she left it at that, but it was safe to say, I wasn't very impressed with how things were going.

     So, maybe the new Star Trek wasn't as bad as I thought and my distaste for the movie was the sum of the movies shortcomings and my movie going personal preferences. Perhaps I was just in a harsh mood. Then again, I'm pretty forgiving of movies, and didn't mind a lot of movies that send many away with a bad taste in their mouth; which means it was a sub par film. Who knows! This is, of course, just my opinion, and the only way to find out the truth is to boldly go to a movie you've never seen before!

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